Positive impact of walking on human health

Positive impact of walking on human health

Physical activity is very important in maintaining a healthy figure. However, we do not always know which exercises will be most effective for us. With help comes walking, which is one of the easiest and most accessible forms of physical activity. Walking can give a lot of pleasure, in addition to having a positive effect on our health.

Walking – lose weight

As we have already mentioned, walking is one of the easiest forms of physical activity. You don’t need special equipment, clothing or a pass to walk effectively. Taking 10,000 steps a day will positively affect your metabolism and reduce excess weight. Of course, you don’t have to start with 10k steps right away – increase your distance slowly, without rushing.

Positive impact of walking on human health

Walking – mental health

Regular walks have a positive effect not only on your physical health, but also on your mental health. Fresh air and proximity to nature have a positive effect on your mood. Going for a walk after a long day at work will help you reduce stress, organize your thoughts and relax from intrusive stimuli.

Walking – reduces the risk of disease

Many studies indicate that regular walking can help reduce the risk of breast cancer. In addition, many experts advocate that walking positively affects the brain – so that we are, for example, less likely to suffer from senile dementia.

Walking extends life

Scientists from around the world agree that regular walking reduces the risk of premature death. As little as 30 minutes of walking a day can lower blood pressure, thereby protecting us from heart attacks.

Walking and earn

Regularne chodzenie może stać się Twoim źródłem dochodu. Dzięki aplikacja YourFitWay, która liczy twoje kroki, możesz zgarnąć kilka dodatkowych dolarów. Robiąc kroki, zbierasz punkty, które pozwolą Ci na kupowanie nagród w aplikacji – możesz kupić ubrania sportowe, sprzęt, a nawet iPhone 13. Jeżeli polecisz aplikację innym użytkownikom albo weźmiesz udział w cotygodniowym losowaniu, to masz szansę na dodatkowe źródło dochodu.  

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