Siedzący tryb życia — jak zniwelować negatywne skutki?

Sedentary lifestyles – how to offset the negative effects?

A sedentary lifestyle has unfortunately become the domain of the modern age. More and more people are not engaging in physical activity, which leads to many serious illnesses. What are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? How can we start to move more?

Sedentary lifestyle – consequences

A sedentary lifestyle affects the human body in terms of various biological mechanisms. These include, for example, a slowing down of carbohydrate metabolism, a reduction in muscle glucose levels and the activity of protein transporters. 

Living such a lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even cancer. Prolonged sitting increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

Sedentary lifestyle – recommended level of physical activity

According to the World Health Organisation’s recommendations, adults aged 18-64 years should perform aerobic exercise for at least 150-300 minutes per week. 

The WHO also recommends performing exercises that engage the major muscles of the body. These are best practised twice a week. 

Sedentary lifestyles - how to offset the negative effects?

What to do not to sit – YourFitWay

It’s not easy to get motivated to be physically active. After all, there will always be excuses that dissuade us from going to the gym. A motivator in this unequal struggle is an app that counts steps. 

The YourFitWay app not only counts your steps walked, but gives you the opportunity to earn. You can recommend the app to friends or enter a weekly draw to win up to $20. Nothing motivates like the awareness of a prize, and in the case of YFW, it’s a double reward. Not only can you earn from it, but the points you collect will allow you to buy products from our Exchanger. 

Get up off the sofa, go for a walk and collect points. The app will help you combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and motivate you to take action. 

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