The mission of the app - get moving with YourFitWay

The mission of the app – get moving with YourFitWay

Nowadays, a healthy lifestyle is quite popular. We can find expert advice not only in books and on TV, but even on Instagram. Personal trainers, workout videos, group classes – all this sounds extremely inviting, but unfortunately we don’t always have the time and, above all, the money to do it. Everyone calls for healthy eating and physical activity, but there is no solution available to everyone, one that can become an integral part of everyday life, without exorbitant costs and wasted time. That’s why we created YourFitWay.

10,000 steps with YFW

It is the phone that is the inseparable companion of our daily life, it is with it that we spend the most time. That’s why YourFitWay has decided to turn your smartphone into a personal trainer. According to experts, taking 10,000 steps a day keeps your body healthy. The YFW app counts your steps, which you can take at any time – on a walk, a hike, on your way to work, etc. If you manage to take 10,000 steps, you will be rewarded! 

Take a walk and win a smartphone 

The YourFitWay app makes you feel no unnecessary pressure towards physical activity. You can walk and count points with others, enjoy nature and fresh air. The points you earn in the app will allow you to use such facilities as Exchanger. This is a place with interesting products to buy. You’ll exchange your outgoing points for the app’s currency, YFW Coin, and with it you can buy from the app, including dietary supplements, eyeglasses, walking poles and even an IPhone 13. 

After all, nothing motivates like knowing that our physical activity can bring us not only a beautiful and healthy figure, but valuable items at a lower price.

The mission of the app - get moving with YourFitWay

Walk and earn

Modern times love multitasking. Therefore, while others are running on the treadmill, struggling with lack of motivation, you can exercise and earn. At the same time? Of course! We know how difficult it is sometimes to motivate yourself to be physically active. Combining exercise with the opportunity to earn increases your motivation – you know that you will not only achieve a healthy body, but you will earn additional income. One way to earn is to recommend the app to your friends! You can also participate in weekly drawings, where you can win up to $20. 

It’s a minimal effort, and the income can be really sizable. We will introduce you to the exact ways to earn in the next post.


We are well aware of how busy modern society is. We live fast, with no time for anything. We want to maintain a healthy figure, but gymming is an additional activity that takes up our time during the day. Going to the gym is, of course, extremely fashionable and effective, but the cost of passes is discouraging. The YFW app is at your fingertips, on your phone. It motivates you to exercise, allows you to join an active community and, most importantly, gives you the chance to earn money easily and quickly. 

! Download the app and join the people who make money walking:

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